Path of Exile 2 Official Druid Gameplay Walkthrough | Gamescom 2023

In the “Path of Exile 2 Official Druid Gameplay Walkthrough | Gamescom 2023,” Jonathan Rogers, one of the game directors of Path of Exile 2, takes you on a journey through the exciting and dynamic world of the Druid class. With 12 playable classes to choose from in Path of Exile 2, the Druid class offers a unique playstyle focused on strength and intelligence. In the video, you’ll get to see a range of powerful moves and unique mechanics that the Druid can unleash, including the bear form, spellcasting abilities, skill gems, animal companions, and more. This walkthrough provides an in-depth look at the gameplay features of the Druid class and gives players a glimpse into the thrilling world of Path of Exile 2.

Path of Exile 2 is a highly anticipated sequel that allows players to delve into a rich and immersive gaming experience. With its vast skill tree, customization options, and diverse gameplay mechanics, Path of Exile 2 offers endless possibilities for players to create their own unique character builds and playstyles. Whether you prefer to channel the fury of nature as a spellcasting Druid or unleash devastating melee attacks as a fearsome bear, the game offers a wealth of choices for players to explore and experiment with. So join Jonathan Rogers on this exciting walkthrough and get ready to embark on an epic adventure in Path of Exile 2.


Welcome to a comprehensive article on Path of Exile 2, an exciting and immersive action role-playing game that offers a unique and diverse gameplay experience. In this article, we will delve into the details of the Druid class, exploring the different aspects of their gameplay style, skills, and abilities. Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the game, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to understand and excel as a Druid in Path of Exile 2.

Path of Exile 2 Official Druid Gameplay Walkthrough | Gamescom 2023

Path of Exile 2

Path of Exile 2 introduces twelve playable classes, one of which is the Druid. Each class offers a distinct playstyle and set of skills, allowing players to tailor their gameplay experience to their preferences. The Druid class, in particular, focuses on harnessing the power of nature and transforming into wild beasts to vanquish their enemies.

Druid Class Overview

The Druid is a versatile class that excels in both strength and intelligence. They draw their power from the primal forces of nature, allowing them to tap into the raw energy of the wilderness. By transforming into various wild beasts, Druids can unleash devastating attacks and wreak havoc on their foes. This flexibility in their form grants them unique advantages and the ability to adapt to different combat situations.

Focus on Strength and Intelligence

As a Druid, you will need to invest in both strength and intelligence attributes to maximize your potential. Strength enhances your melee attacks, increasing their damage and effectiveness, while intelligence improves your spellcasting abilities, allowing you to unleash powerful elemental spells and control the forces of nature. Balancing these two attributes is crucial for achieving success as a Druid, as it enables you to excel in both physical and magical combat.

Transformation into Wild Beasts

One of the defining features of the Druid class is the ability to transform into various wild beasts. This transformation is not just an aesthetic change but also grants you access to powerful skills and abilities unique to each form. By assuming the shape of a bear, for example, you gain increased melee attack power and become a formidable melee combatant. Other forms, such as that of a wolf, may provide increased agility and speed, making you a deadly predator on the battlefield. Mastering the art of transformation is key to harnessing the full potential of the Druid class.

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Path of Exile 2 Official Druid Gameplay Walkthrough | Gamescom 2023

Gameplay Walkthrough

To provide you with a glimpse of the exciting gameplay experience that awaits you as a Druid in Path of Exile 2, let’s take a walkthrough of some key gameplay elements and features.

Introduction in the Video

In an impressive video introduction, the Druid is showcased in all their glory, unleashing their powers and transforming into various wild beasts. The video highlights the dynamic gameplay, showcasing the versatility of the Druid and their different forms.

Spellcasting Gameplay

As a Druid, you have access to a wide range of spells that harness the elemental forces of nature. These spells can be used to deal devastating damage to your enemies or to provide support to your allies. From summoning lightning storms to conjuring tornadoes, your spellcasting abilities are both visually stunning and impactful. Mastering the art of spellcasting is essential in unleashing your full potential as a Druid.

Bear Form and Various Skills

The bear form is one of the most powerful forms that a Druid can assume. In this form, you gain increased attack power, allowing you to charge into the midst of battle and decimate your foes with brutal force. The bear form also grants access to various skills, such as the Rampage skill, which allows you to charge at your enemies, dealing damage as you collide with them. The Furious Slam skill is another powerful ability in the bear form, allowing you to stun enemies and create an opportunity for escape or follow-up attacks.

Ferocious Roar with Skill Gems

Skill gems are a crucial aspect of gameplay in Path of Exile 2, and the Druid has access to the Ferocious Roar skill gem. This gem enhances your Warcraft skills while in bear form, amplifying their effectiveness and allowing you to unleash devastating attacks. The Ferocious Roar skill gem adds an additional layer of complexity and strategy to your gameplay as a Druid and is a key component of unleashing your full potential.

Spellcasting Breakdown

While the bear form may excel in melee combat, the Druid’s spellcasting abilities should not be overlooked. With access to lightning storms and tornadoes, you can decimate groups of enemies from a safe distance. The Lightning Storm spell delivers powerful shocks to enemies, causing both direct damage and disabling effects. The Tornado skill, on the other hand, allows you to create a swirling vortex of destruction, tearing through hordes of enemies and leaving chaos in its wake. Mastering the art of spellcasting as a Druid is essential for achieving success in the game.

Animal Companions

As a Druid, you are not alone in your journey. Animal companions can be summoned to aid you in battle, drawing aggro from enemies and debuffing them. These companions can be invaluable allies, allowing you to focus on unleashing your devastating attacks while they handle the distractions and weaken your foes. The synergy between the Druid and their animal companions adds another layer of strategy and depth to the gameplay experience.

Volcano Skill

The Volcano skill is a powerful skill that allows you to summon a volcano, spawning fiery projectiles that rain down on your enemies. This skill is particularly effective against groups of enemies or for dealing area-of-effect damage. The Volcano skill exemplifies the versatile nature of the Druid class, allowing you to adapt to different combat situations and unleash devastation upon your foes.

Druid Skill Tree

The skill tree in Path of Exile 2 offers a wide range of passive and active skills that can be customized to suit your playstyle. For the Druid class, the tree focuses on enhancing both strength and intelligence attributes, allowing you to optimize your character’s abilities. The skill tree provides ample opportunities for customization and strategic planning, ensuring that no two Druid builds are the same.

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Blind Beast Boss Fight

In the Blind Beast boss fight, the true power of the Druid is put to the test. The boss possesses powerful abilities and a high health pool, making it a formidable opponent. As a Druid, you will need to utilize your various skills and forms to overcome the Blind Beast’s challenges. This epic battle showcases the unique gameplay experience offered by the Druid class and provides a thrilling climax to your journey.

Path of Exile 2 Official Druid Gameplay Walkthrough | Gamescom 2023

Druid Class Overview

Now that we have explored some key gameplay elements, let’s dive deeper into the Druid class and its unique skills and abilities.

Strength and Intelligence Focus

The Druid class combines the best of both worlds, focusing on both strength and intelligence to excel in different aspects of combat. By investing in both attributes, you ensure that your physical attacks are devastating and your spellcasting abilities are potent. This balance allows you to adapt to any combat situation and ensures that you are a force to be reckoned with.

Bear Form as a Powerful Melee Attacker

Assuming the bear form is one of the most exciting aspects of playing as a Druid. In this form, you gain increased melee attack power, allowing you to charge into battle and tear through your enemies with ease. The bear form provides excellent crowd control and excels at dealing with single targets. Mastering the art of melee combat in the bear form is essential for becoming a formidable Druid.

Rage Mechanic for Increased Attack Damage

To further enhance your melee attacks, the Druid possesses a unique rage mechanic. As you deal and receive damage, your rage meter fills up, increasing your attack damage with each stack of rage. This mechanic incentivizes an aggressive playstyle, rewarding you for being in the thick of battle and unleashing relentless attacks against your foes.

Rampage Skill for Charging and Dealing Damage

The Rampage skill is a powerful ability that allows you to charge at enemies, dealing damage as you collide with them. This skill is particularly effective for initiating combat or closing the distance between you and your enemies. The ability to quickly close the gap and unleash a devastating charge sets the Druid apart from other classes and adds an exciting element to their gameplay style.

Furious Slam Skill for Stunning and Escaping

In the heat of battle, it is crucial to have a means of stunning enemies and creating opportunities to escape or follow up with devastating attacks. The Furious Slam skill allows you to do just that. With a powerful slam of your fists or paws, you stun nearby enemies, creating a momentary reprieve and an opportunity for escape or further aggression. The Furious Slam skill is a valuable tool in your arsenal and can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Dodge Roll for Quick Evasion

As a Druid, quick evasion is essential for survival in the chaotic battles of Path of Exile 2. The dodge roll ability allows you to swiftly evade incoming attacks, effectively dodging damage and positioning yourself for counterattacks. Mastering the dodge roll is key to surviving the most challenging encounters and emerging victorious.

Ferocious Roar for Warcraft Skills as a Bear

The Ferocious Roar skill gem is a game-changer for Druids. It enhances your Warcraft skills while in bear form, amplifying their effectiveness and allowing you to unleash devastating attacks. Coupled with your increased attack power and other melee abilities, the Ferocious Roar skill gem takes your bear form to new heights, making you an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

Lightning Storm Spell for Shocking Enemies

The Druid’s spellcasting abilities should not be ignored. The Lightning Storm spell allows you to summon a powerful electrical storm, shocking enemies and dealing damage over time. This spell is particularly effective against enemies vulnerable to lightning damage and can create chaos on the battlefield. Utilizing your spellcasting abilities alongside your bear form ensures that you have the versatility to handle any combat situation.

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Tornado Skill for Dealing with Groups of Enemies

When faced with hordes of enemies, the Tornado skill becomes your go-to spell. By conjuring a swirling vortex of destruction, you can tear through groups of enemies, inflicting damage and chaos. This area-of-effect spell is particularly effective for crowd control and allows you to thin the enemy ranks quickly. The Tornado skill showcases the Druid’s elemental mastery and ability to turn the tide of battle.

Animal Companions for Aggro and Debuffs

In addition to your own formidable abilities, you can summon animal companions to aid you in battle. These companions draw aggro from enemies, diverting their attention away from you and providing you with a tactical advantage. Furthermore, they can apply debuffs to enemies, weakening them and making them more susceptible to your attacks. The combination of your own skills and the assistance of your animal companions makes you a formidable force on the battlefield.

Volcano Skill for Spawning Projectiles

The Volcano skill is a powerful spell that summons a volcano, spawning fiery projectiles that rain down on your enemies. This skill is particularly useful for dealing with groups of enemies or for creating a diversion during chaotic encounters. By utilizing the Volcano skill, you can control the battlefield and turn it into a fiery spectacle of destruction.

Path of Exile 2 Official Druid Gameplay Walkthrough | Gamescom 2023

Skill Gem Usage

Skill gems play a vital role in Path of Exile 2, allowing you to customize your skills and augment their effects. As a Druid, you have access to a wide range of skill gems that can be combined and customized to suit your playstyle. Here are some key aspects of skill gem usage as a Druid:

Cast While Channeling Gem for Automatic Casting

The Cast While Channeling gem is a powerful tool for Druids. It allows you to automatically cast spells while performing other actions, such as attacking or moving. This gem is particularly useful for utilizing your spellcasting abilities while in bear form, ensuring that you can maintain a constant flow of damage while still engaging in melee combat.

Dual Spec for Different Passive Allocations

One of the benefits of the skill tree in Path of Exile 2 is the ability to allocate passive points in different areas, creating different builds, or specializing in multiple aspects of gameplay. As a Druid, you can benefit from having a dual spec, allocating points for both spellcasting and melee combat. This allows you to switch between different playstyles and adapt to different combat situations without having to respec or create separate characters.

Customization and Combination of Skills

One of the strengths of Path of Exile 2 is the level of customization it offers in terms of skills and abilities. As a Druid, you can experiment with different combinations of skills, finding synergies and creating unique playstyles. Whether you prefer to focus on melee combat, spellcasting, or a combination of both, the choice is yours. The customizable nature of the game ensures that you can tailor your character to suit your preferred playstyle.

Unique and Dynamic Gameplay Experiences

With the wide range of skill gems and customization options available, playing as a Druid guarantees a unique and dynamic gameplay experience. No two Druid builds will be exactly alike, and each playthrough will offer new challenges and opportunities. The versatility and adaptability of the Druid class make it an exciting choice for players looking for a diverse and engaging gameplay experience.

Path of Exile 2 Official Druid Gameplay Walkthrough | Gamescom 2023


Path of Exile 2 offers an immersive and diverse gameplay experience, and playing as a Druid provides a unique set of skills and abilities to explore. From transforming into wild beasts to unleashing devastating spells, the Druid class embodies the raw power of nature and offers a thrilling gameplay style that combines strength and intelligence attributes. With a wide range of customization options, skill gems, and playstyles, the Druid class guarantees a dynamic and engaging journey. So step into the world of Path of Exile 2 and unleash your inner Druid!

In the “Path of Exile 2 Official Druid Gameplay Walkthrough | Gamescom 2023,” you will have the opportunity to learn more about how the Druid plays directly from Jonathan Rogers, one of the game directors. Throughout the walkthrough, you will witness a wide range of moves and mechanics that you can unleash as the Druid. It’s important to note that the Druid is just one of the twelve playable classes in the game.

Here are the timestamps to guide you through the video:

  • Intro: 0:00
  • Spellcasting Gameplay: 0:47
  • Bear Form and various skills: 1:03
  • Unleashing a Ferocious Roar with Skill Gems: 3:34
  • A Detailed Breakdown of Spellcasting: 4:57
  • Discovering Animal Companions: 5:50
  • Unleashing the Volcano Skill: 6:12
  • Exploring the Druid Skill Tree: 10:00
  • Witnessing the Blind Beast Boss Fight: 10:40

Enjoy the walkthrough and dive into the fascinating world of the Druid in Path of Exile 2!