Trevor Etienne put on the jets for this 62-yard Florida touchdown | ESPN College Football

In this ESPN College Football video, you’ll witness Trevor Etienne’s lightning-fast speed as he dashes his way to a thrilling 62-yard touchdown for the Florida Gators. Watch closely as Etienne skillfully evades a Tennessee defender and leaves another in his dust, racing towards the end zone in the first half. The Gators’ offense showcases its determination, with Etienne expertly following his block and outpacing his opponents in a foot race to secure the touchdown. As you observe the replay, pay attention to the defensive efforts of the free safety and the missed tackles that ultimately allow Etienne to break free. This remarkable display of speed and agility is a testament to his impressive skills and the commitment of the Gators’ offensive line.

In this ESPN College Football video, you’ll witness Trevor Etienne’s lightning-fast speed as he dashes his way to a thrilling 62-yard touchdown for the Florida Gators. Watch closely as Etienne skillfully evades a Tennessee defender and leaves another in his dust, racing towards the end zone in the first half. The Gators’ offense showcases its determination, with Etienne expertly following his block and outpacing his opponents in a foot race to secure the touchdown. As you observe the replay, pay attention to the defensive efforts of the free safety and the missed tackles that ultimately allow Etienne to break free. This remarkable display of speed and agility is a testament to his impressive skills and the commitment of the Gators’ offensive line.

Title: Trevor Etienne Put on the Jets for This 62-Yard Florida Touchdown | ESPN College Football


In a thrilling college football game, Trevor Etienne, the running back for the Florida Gators, showcased his incredible speed and agility as he sprinted past the defense for a breathtaking 62-yard touchdown. This impressive play, caught on camera by ESPN, left fans in awe and solidified Etienne’s status as a dynamic player to watch. In this article, we will delve into the background of the touchdown, analyze the key moments and plays, discuss the importance of tackling, evaluate the role of the offensive line, and explore Etienne’s unique running style. Furthermore, we will provide insights into the strategies and techniques needed to bring down a player of Etienne’s caliber. So sit back, relax, and join us as we relive this electrifying touchdown by Trevor Etienne.

Trevor Etienne put on the jets for this 62-yard Florida touchdown | ESPN College Football


Video By ESPN

The thrilling 62-yard touchdown run by Trevor Etienne was captured on video by ESPN, allowing fans around the world to witness his incredible speed and agility firsthand. The video showcases the explosive moment when Etienne bounces off a Tennessee defender and accelerates away from another, leaving the opposing team in his wake. The footage captures the excitement and energy of the game, highlighting Etienne’s exceptional skills as a running back.

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Description of the Touchdown

Etienne’s touchdown run was an impressive display of athleticism and determination. Starting from a handoff near midfield, Etienne quickly spotted an opening in the defense and burst through, utilizing his exceptional speed. As he accelerated downfield, he showcased his agility by effortlessly maneuvering past defenders, leaving them grasping at thin air. With each stride, Etienne brought the crowd to their feet, showcasing his speed and agility in a truly unforgettable touchdown run.

Opposing Team and Score

The opposing team in this game was Tennessee, a formidable opponent with a highly regarded defense. At the time of the touchdown, the score was a crucial factor, as Etienne’s mesmerizing run helped the Florida Gators gain a significant lead over Tennessee. This touchdown not only bolstered the team’s momentum but also ignited the crowd, creating an electrifying atmosphere in the stadium.

Importance of the Touchdown

Etienne’s 62-yard touchdown held significant importance to the Florida Gators. It not only added to their overall score but also acted as a momentum shift in the game. This explosive play showcased the team’s offensive capabilities and contributed to their overall success. Additionally, it further solidified Trevor Etienne’s reputation as an exceptional talent, drawing attention from fans, analysts, and scouts alike.

Analysis of the Touchdown

Trevor Etienne’s Speed and Agility

Etienne’s speed and agility were on full display during this touchdown run. His quick acceleration enabled him to quickly break through the defensive line and create separation from the pursuing defenders. Additionally, his exceptional change of direction skills allowed him to elude multiple tacklers, further highlighting his agility and elusiveness.

Breaking Through the Defense

One of the key aspects of Etienne’s touchdown run was his ability to break through the defense. He effectively identified gaps in the defensive line and used his burst of speed to exploit them. This display of vision and awareness showcased his ability to read the field and make split-second decisions, ultimately leading to his successful run.

Avoiding Tacklers

A standout feature of Etienne’s touchdown run was his ability to avoid tacklers with ease. Despite facing multiple defenders, he showcased impeccable footwork and body control, enabling him to sidestep would-be tacklers. By utilizing his agility and quick reflexes, Etienne was able to maintain his momentum and continue towards the end zone.

Smart Decision-Making

Etienne’s smart decision-making was evident throughout the touchdown run. He showcased patience as he waited for blocks to develop, allowing him to choose the most strategic path to the end zone. Rather than forcing plays or taking unnecessary risks, Etienne remained composed and capitalized on the opportunities presented to him.

Role of Offensive Line

Etienne’s success would not have been possible without the efforts of his offensive line. The offensive line showcased their abilities by effectively pulling and blocking, creating running lanes for Etienne to exploit. In particular, James Pierce’s precise blocking of the closing defensive end proved instrumental in Etienne’s ability to reach the second level of the defense.


Trevor Etienne put on the jets for this 62-yard Florida touchdown | ESPN College Football

Key Moments and Plays

Bouncing off a Tennessee Defender

One of the standout moments of Etienne’s touchdown run was when he skillfully bounced off a Tennessee defender. Despite being met with initial resistance, Etienne’s strength and determination allowed him to break free and continue his sprint towards the end zone. This display of resilience showcased his tenacity and unwillingness to be brought down by a single defender.

Speeding Away from Another Defender

After evading the first defender, Etienne swiftly accelerated away from another pursuing defender. His exceptional burst of speed left the defender trailing behind, highlighting Etienne’s ability to create separation and leave defenders in his wake. This speed showcased his natural athleticism and explosiveness as a running back.

Following Blocks

Etienne’s ability to follow his blocks proved crucial in his touchdown run. By patiently waiting for his blocks to develop, he was able to effectively utilize the blocking scheme set up by his offensive linemen. Etienne’s understanding of the game, combined with his ability to trust his teammates, allowed him to make the most of the opportunities presented to him.

Outrunning Defenders

Perhaps the most captivating element of Etienne’s touchdown run was his ability to outrun multiple defenders. Despite their pursuit, he showcased his superior speed, leaving the defenders unable to catch up. This display of athleticism and acceleration solidified Etienne’s reputation as a game-changer, capable of outrunning even the most talented defenders.

Importance of Tackling

Free Safety’s Missed Tackle

During Etienne’s touchdown run, a crucial missed tackle by the Tennessee free safety played a significant role in allowing him to break free. This missed tackle highlighted the importance of proper tackling technique and the severe consequences of failing to bring down a skilled runner like Etienne.

The Consequences of Missed Tackles

Missed tackles can have dire consequences in a football game, as demonstrated by the Tennessee free safety in this play. The missed opportunity to bring down Etienne allowed him to continue his momentum and gain valuable yardage. It is crucial for defenders to recognize the importance of solid tackling and ensure they remain focused and disciplined on every play.

Need for Proper Technique

To effectively bring down a player of Etienne’s caliber, defenders must possess proper tackling technique. This includes wrapping up the runner securely and driving through with leg power. In the case of Etienne, wrapping up alone is not enough, as his low center of gravity and strength enable him to run through arm tackles. Sound technique, combined with physicality, is essential to successfully tackling Etienne.

Strategy to Bring Down Etienne

Defenses facing Etienne must develop a strategy to contain his explosiveness and bring him down efficiently. This involves a coordinated effort from all defenders, ensuring they work as a team to limit his running lanes and pursue him relentlessly. Predicting his moves and maintaining gap integrity are vital to minimizing the impact of Etienne’s electrifying runs.

Trevor Etienne put on the jets for this 62-yard Florida touchdown | ESPN College Football

Evaluation of Offensive Line

Pulling and Blocking

The success of a running back is greatly influenced by the performance of the offensive line, and this touchdown run exemplified their effectiveness. The offensive line demonstrated their ability to pull and effectively block defenders, creating running lanes for Etienne to exploit. Their precision and coordination allowed Etienne to navigate through the defense seamlessly.

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Picking up the Defensive End

One particular highlight of the offensive line’s performance during this touchdown run was the exemplary blocking of the closing defensive end. James Pierce, a member of the offensive line, executed a crucial block that prevented the defensive end from breaking through and impeding Etienne’s progress. The offensive line’s awareness and execution of their blocking assignments played a vital role in the success of the play.

Creating Running Lanes

The offensive line’s ability to create running lanes for Etienne was pivotal in his 62-yard touchdown run. Their synchronized movements and understanding of the play allowed them to open up gaps in the defense, providing opportunities for Etienne to exploit. The cohesion and effectiveness of the offensive line were evident throughout the play, as they continuously provided Etienne with clear paths to the end zone.

Discussion on Etienne’s Running Style

Low Center of Gravity

A standout feature of Etienne’s running style is his low center of gravity. This attribute allows him to maintain balance and absorb contact, making it challenging for defenders to bring him down with arm tackles. Etienne’s ability to stay on his feet and continue driving forward despite contact showcases his physicality and strength as a runner.

Ability to Run Through Tackles

Etienne’s running style is characterized by his ability to run through tackles. His strength enables him to break free from arm tackles, forcing defenders to wrap him up securely to bring him down. Defenses must account for Etienne’s exceptional power and be prepared for a physical battle when attempting to tackle him.

Challenges for Defenders

Defending against Etienne poses numerous challenges for opposing players. His combination of speed, agility, and strength makes him a formidable opponent to bring down. Defenders must approach tackling Etienne with sound technique, wrap him up securely, and work together to limit his yardage gains. Additionally, defenders must anticipate his moves and react quickly to counter his explosiveness and elusiveness.

Trevor Etienne put on the jets for this 62-yard Florida touchdown | ESPN College Football

Keys to Bringing Down Etienne

Wrap-Up Tackling

To effectively bring down Etienne, defenders must prioritize wrap-up tackling. Simply attempting to hit him will not suffice, as his strength allows him to run through arm tackles. Utilizing proper tackling technique, defenders must focus on securing Etienne’s upper body and driving through with leg power to neutralize his progress.


Bringing down a dynamic player like Etienne requires a collective effort from the entire defense. Defenders must work together, communicate effectively, and pursue Etienne relentlessly to limit his yardage gains. By maintaining gap integrity and providing support to teammates, defenders can increase their chances of successfully containing Etienne.

Predicting His Moves

Anticipating Etienne’s moves can provide defenders with a slight advantage in tackling him. By studying his running style, defenders can gain insights into his tendencies and react accordingly. Identifying his preferred running lanes and being prepared for sudden changes in direction can aid defenders in maintaining proper positioning and increasing their success in bringing down Etienne.


Trevor Etienne’s 62-yard touchdown run represents a standout moment in college football. His exceptional speed, agility, and decision-making were on full display as he evaded multiple defenders and sprinted towards the end zone. This touchdown showcased the importance of proper tackling, the crucial role of the offensive line, and the challenges defenders face when attempting to bring down a player of Etienne’s caliber. As fans, we eagerly anticipate future performances from Trevor Etienne, as he continues to dazzle us with his mesmerizing skills on the football field.

Witness Trevor Etienne’s astonishing display of speed and agility in this jaw-dropping 62-yard touchdown run against Tennessee. You’ll be amazed as he effortlessly evades a defender and outruns another to reach the end zone in the first half of the game.

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Trevor Etienne put on the jets for this 62-yard Florida touchdown | ESPN College Football