Starfield – Shipbuilding Explained

In Starfield, shipbuilding is a robust and captivating feature that may seem a little intimidating at first glance, but trust me, it’s definitely worth the effort. In this article, we’ll delve into the ins and outs of shipbuilding, providing you with all the information you need to build your ship and take to the stars in style. From unlocking essential skills like piloting and starship design, to understanding the different ship classes, mass, mobility, and cargo, we’ll guide you through the shipbuilding process step by step, ensuring that you have the knowledge and tools to create the starship of your dreams. So let’s dive in and explore the fascinating world of shipbuilding in Starfield!

Shipbuilding in Starfield can be an expensive and finicky process, but don’t let that deter you. We’ll show you how to navigate the challenges and make the most of your resources. Whether you’re focusing on speed, maneuverability, or cargo capacity, we’ll share some tips and tricks to help you find the right balance. And don’t worry if you’re not loaded with credits right away – we’ll even discuss how you can steal ships early on in the game. So get ready to embark on an exciting journey through the cosmos as you build your own unique starship in Starfield.

Shipbuilding in Starfield

Shipbuilding in Starfield can be an expensive and finicky process, but it’s well worth the effort. In this comprehensive guide, we will break down the ins and outs of shipbuilding so you can explore the field of stars in style.

Starfield - Shipbuilding Explained

Skills to Unlock

Before diving into shipbuilding, there are a few skills you need to unlock first. The piloting skill in the first row of the tech tree is required if you plan on flying B and C-Class spaceships. Each class has its own strengths and weaknesses, but I’ve found that B-class modifications serve my play style the best, as they strike a decent balance between speed, maneuverability, and cargo load.

Additionally, you’ll want to unlock the Starship design skill in the third row of the tech tree. The more you rank up this skill, the more ship parts and modifications you’ll have access to.

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Accruing a Small Fortune

Next, you’ll need to accrue a small fortune to fund your shipbuilding endeavors. While you can design budget starships, I recommend saving your hard-earned credits until you can go wild and make the starship of your dreams. Ideally, I’d kick off the building process with around a hundred thousand credits, but the price ranges can vary depending on a ton of factors.

If you’re looking to get a head start, you can also steal ships fairly early in the game by disabling their engines in space combat and then boarding them. However, keep in mind that you’ll need to pay to register them. These stolen ships can serve as a good jumping-off point for your shipbuilding journey.

Shipbuilding Concepts

Before delving into the actual shipbuilding process, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with a few key concepts. These include starship classes, mass, mobility, and cargo.

Starship classes determine the capabilities and limitations of a starship. It’s crucial to understand the differences and learn how to change a starship’s class. A ship’s class is determined by its reactor, so if you want to load up your ship with a bunch of B-class modifications, you need to ensure your reactor matches.

Mass is another important factor to consider. Different classes have different mass limits, with A-class ships having lower limits and C-class ships having higher limits. The mass of a ship affects its mobility, with heavier ships having stiffer flight characteristics. While mass is important, it’s worth noting that in combat, many weapons auto-target as long as an enemy ship is reasonably near your aim point.

Cargo capacity is crucial for carrying resources and items. I recommend sparing no expense when it comes to cargo capacity, as you’ll need it for crafting and building systems in the game. Having a large cargo hold allows you to store all the junk and resources you collect, making it easier to manage your inventory.

Traveling through Star Systems

Once you have your ship built, you’ll need to understand how to navigate through star systems effectively. This involves understanding the grav drive and jump distance, as well as the importance of astrodynamics fuel.

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The tier of your grav drive determines how far you can jump. By leveling up the science skill, you can extend your jump distance further. Astrodynamics fuel is essential for making jumps to far-off systems. The number of jumps it will take for you to reach a distant system can vary, but it’s important to keep in mind your max jump range. If the distance between the last star and your destination exceeds your max jump range, you’ll need to make multiple jumps.

Hitting high-level quests is another aspect of traveling through star systems. Ideally, you’ll want to achieve a jump range of 23 to 27 light-years to access these quests. If you find yourself in a bind and need to make a hasty escape, putting full power into your grav drive while in flight will spin it up faster.

Starfield - Shipbuilding Explained

Modules and Gameplay Impact

In shipbuilding, modules play a significant role in both the aesthetic and functional aspects of your starship. While some modules are purely for looks, there are others that have a direct impact on gameplay.

Workshop modules, for example, contain workbenches that allow you to craft items and upgrade weapons while aboard your ship. When building your ship, it’s recommended to build modules horizontally rather than vertically to avoid having to deal with ladders.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that different service technicians in different factions sell unique parts. While there may be some overlap between vendors, it’s worth doing some window shopping to find the best parts for your ship. Take the time to explore different vendors and see what they have to offer.

Assigned Crew

Having an assigned crew can vastly boost your ship’s capabilities. Each crew member contributes their skill sets, enhancing your ship’s systems. However, the number of people on your ship is limited by a few factors.

Firstly, you need to build a ship with a crew capacity large enough to accommodate the number of crew members you want. Cockpits and modules often have a crew capacity stat that you can refer to when making your selections.

However, the number of crew actively assigned to your ship is further limited by the social skill ship command, which is located at the end of the skill tree. It’s important to note that while you may see companions hanging out on your ship, if they are not officially assigned, they won’t boost your ship’s stats.

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Starfield - Shipbuilding Explained

Docking Bays and Couplers

When building your ship, proper placement and attachment of docking bays and couplers are crucial. Pay attention to where the different versions of these components attach to your ship, especially where their hatches are located.

Different landing bays may have doors in different places, so ensure they are attached to the cockpit in some way. Couplers, on the other hand, need to be on the outermost part of your ship, with no other components extending beyond them.

If you encounter warnings or errors related to unattached modules, you can use the mass selector ship with the right bumper to reveal which parts aren’t attached. This tool is also useful for moving entire sections of your ship. Furthermore, it’s important to note that you can’t have more than one of certain things like reactors, shields, and jump drives.

Learning and Experimenting

Shipbuilding in Starfield can feel overwhelming at first, but the best way to learn is to hop in and start experimenting. Even if you lack the funds or skills to create the perfect starship, diving into the building menu and trying out different designs and equipment can be a valuable learning experience.

Don’t be afraid to try different combinations and iterate on your designs. As you gain more experience and resources, you can continue to refine and improve your starships. And remember to share your wildest spaceship designs with the community!

In conclusion, shipbuilding is a key feature in Starfield that allows you to take to the stars in style. By unlocking the necessary skills, accruing a small fortune, and understanding shipbuilding concepts, you can create a unique and powerful starship. Consider the impact of modules, crew, docking bays, and couplers on your ship’s capabilities, and don’t be afraid to learn and experiment along the way. Happy shipbuilding and safe travels in the field of stars!

One of Starfield’s notable aspects is its shipbuilding, which may seem overwhelming at first, but it is definitely worth the time and energy. Here is a step-by-step guide on building your own ship and embarking on celestial adventures in grand fashion.

Starfield - Shipbuilding Explained